

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2020-05-09     浏览次数:0

序号 论文题目 第一作者 通讯作者 期刊名称及年、卷、期、页码 中科院大类分区 是否TOP期刊论文 备注
1 Structure-antioxidant capacity relationship of dihydrochalcone compounds in Malus 肖郑操(学生) 李鹏民 Food Chemistry, 2019, 275: 354-360 2
2 The tomato 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase gene SlF3HL is critical for chilling stress tolerance 胡体旭 战祥强 Horticulture Research (2019)6:45 1
3 Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals genetic divergence and domestication genes in Diospyros 关长飞 杨勇 BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19(1):227 2
4 Development, progress and future prospects in cryobiotechnology of Lilium spp 李经纬(学生) 王乔春 Plant Methods. 2019. 15(1):125 2
5 Exogenous application of melatonin improves plant resistance to virus infection 赵磊(学生) 王乔春 Plant Pathology, 2019, 68(7): 1287-1295. 2
6 Cryobiotechnology: a double-edged sword for plant obligate pathogens 赵磊(学生) 王乔春 Plant Disease. 2019, 103(6): 1058-1067. 1
7 Exogenous application of melatonin improves eradication of apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) from the infected in vitro shoots by shoot tip culture 陈龙(学生) 王乔春 Plant Pathoglogy, 2019, 68(5): 997–1006 2
8 Exogenous GABA enhances muskmelon tolerance to salinity-alkalinity stress by regulating redox balance and chlorophyll biosynthesis 靳晓青(学生) 胡晓辉 BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19:48 2
9 NO is involved in JA- and H2O2-mediated ALA-induced oxidative stress tolerance at low temperatures in tomato 刘涛(学生) 李建明,胡晓辉 Environmental and Experimental Botany . 2019,161:334–343 2
10 GSTU43 gene involved in ALA-regulated redox homeostasis, to maintain coordinated chlorophyll synthesis of tomato at low temperature 刘涛(学生) 胡晓辉 BMC Plant Biology .2019, 19:323 2
11 Polyamines are involved in GABA-regulated salinity-alkalinity stress tolerance in muskmelon 许姣姣(学生) 胡晓辉 Environmental and Experimental Botany.2019,164:181–189 2
12 A Missing Link in Radial Ion Transport: Ion Transporters in the Endodermis 珠拉太(学生) 龚春梅, 崔洪昌 Front. Plant Sci. 2019,10:713.
13 Melatonin Inhibits Ethylene Synthesis via Nitric Oxide Regulation To Delay Postharvest Senescence in Pears 刘建龙(学生) 徐凌飞 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2019,67(8): 2279−2288 1
14 The MYB transcription factor PbMYB12b
positively regulates flavonol biosynthesis in
pear fruit
翟锐(学生) 徐凌飞 BMC PLANT BIOLOGY ,2019,19,85 2
15 CaMADS, a MADS-box transcription factor from pepper, plays an important role in the response to cold, salt, and osmotic stress 陈儒钢 陈儒钢 Plant Science, 2019, 280: 164–174 2
16 Identification of CBL and CIPK gene families and functional characterization of CaCIPK1 under Phytophthora capsici in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Ma Xiao(学生) 巩振辉 BMC Genomics, 2019, 20:775 2
17 A Wall-Associated Kinase Gene CaWAKL20 From Pepper Negatively Modulates Plant Thermotolerance by Reducing the Expression of ABA-Responsive Genes 汪虎(学生) 逯明辉 Frontiers in Plant Science,2019, 10: 591 2
18 Transcriptomic and physiological analyses reveal drought adaptation strategies in drought-tolerant and-susceptible watermelon genotypes 李好 张显 Plant Science,,2019,278: 32-43 2
19 VpSTS29/STS2 enhances fungal tolerance in grapevine through a positive feedback loop
Xu, Weirong (学生) 徐炎、王跃进 PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, 2019,42(11): 2979-2998 2
20 VqbZIP1 isolated from Chinese wild Vitis quinquangularis is involved in the ABA signaling pathway and regulates stilbene synthesis
Wang, Dan (学生) 王跃进 PLANT SCIENCE ,2019,287: 110202 2
21 Genetic analysis and gene mapping of the orange flower trait in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) 张宁(学生) 张鲁刚 Molecular Breeding ,(2019) 39:76 -86 2
22 Modification of Threonine-1050 of SlBRI1
regulates BR Signalling and increases fruit
yield of tomato
汪淑芬 王晓峰 BMC Plant Biology (2019) 19:256 2
23 Genome-wide identification of drought-responsive microRNAs in two sets of Malus from interspecific hybrid progenies 牛春东(学生) 管清美 Horticulture Research,2019,6:75 1
24 Contribution of methylation regulation of MpDREB2A promoter to drought resistance of Mauls prunifolia 李雪薇(学生) 管清美 Plant and Soil,2019,441(1-2),15-32 1
25 Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Watermelon Growth, Elemental Uptake, Antioxidant, and Photosystem II Activities and Stress-Response Gene Expressions Under Salinity-Alkalinity Stresses 叶林(学生) 邹志荣 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2019,10 2
26 Alternative Splicing of Key Genes in LOX Pathway Involves Biosynthesis of Volatile Fatty Acid Derivatives in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) 徐清山 余有本 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,2019, 67(47):13021-13032. 1
27 Heterologous expression of the apple hexose transporter MdHT2.2 altered sugar concentration with increasing cell wall invertase activity in tomato fruit. 王正阳(学生) 李明军 Plant biotechnology journal. 2019 1
28 Melatonin-Mediated Sugar Accumulation and Growth Inhibition in Apple Plants Involves Down-Regulation of Fructokinase 2 Expression and Activity. 杨静静(学生) 李明军 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2019, 10:150. 2
29 RNA interference: A natural immune system of plants to counteract biotic stressors. Tayeb Muhammad(学生) 梁燕 Cells, 2019, 8 (1):10.3390/cells8010038 2
30 Transcriptomic dynamics provide an insight into the mechanism for silicon-mediated alleviation of salt stress in cucumber plants 朱永兴(学生) 宫海军 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 174: 245-254 2
31 Gene interactions regulating sex determination in Cucurbits 李丹丹(外) 李征 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2019, 10: 1231 2
32 Recent progress on the molecular breeding of Cucumis sativus L. in China 冯圣军(外) 李征 Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s00122-019-03484-0 1
33 Transcription profiles reveal the regulatory mechanisms of spur bud changes and flower induction in response to shoot bending in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) 邢利博 赵娟 Plant Molecular Biology,2019, 99(1—2):45–66. 2
34 Transcriptomic analysis reveals the regulatory module of apple (Malus × domestica) floral transition in response to 6-BA 李有梅(学生) 邢利博 BMC Plant Biology,2019,19:93. 2
35 Comparative RNA-seq and DNA methylation patterns in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) buds with different flowering capabilities reveal novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms of flower bud formation 邢利博 赵娟 Plant and Cell Physiology. 2019,60(8):1702-1721 2
36 Leaf anatomical adaptations have central roles in photosynthetic acclimation to humidity 杜清洁(学生) 李建明 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2019,70(18):4949-4961 2
37 Relationship between key environmental factors and profiling of volatile compounds during cucumber fruit development under protected cultivation 李许真(学生) 陈书霞 Food chemistry,2019,290, 308-315 2
38 Molecular cloning and functional characterization of AcGST1, an anthocyanin-related glutathione S-transferase gene in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). 刘艳飞(学生) 任小林 Plant Molecular Biology,2019,Vol.100No.4-5,451-465 2
39 Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in red- and in green-fleshed kiwifruits 刘艳飞(学生) 任小林 Food Research International,2019,Vol.116,291-301 2
40 Postharvest applications of n-butanol increase greasiness in apple skins by altering wax composition via effects on gene expression 张琪(学生) 任小林 Postharvest Biology and Technology,2019, 155,111-119 2
41 Transcriptome profiling of anthocyanin biosynthesis in the peel of ‘Granny Smith’ apples (Malus domestica) after bag removal 马长青(学生) 赵政阳 BMC Genomics, 2019, 20:353 2
42 The grapevine homeobox gene VvHB58 influences seed and fruit development through multiple hormonal signaling pathways. 李云端(学生) 王西平 BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19(1): 523 2
43 Genome-wide analysis of the YABBY gene family in grapevine and functional characterization of VvYABBY4. 张松霖(学生) 王西平 Front. Plant Sci., 2019, 10: 1207 2
44 A mutation in class III homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP III) transcription factor results in curly leaf (cul) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) 戎福喜(学生) 李玉红 Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2019,132(1):113-123 1
45 Overexpression of MhYTP2 enhances apple water-use efficiency by activating ABA and ethylene signaling 刘长海 马锋旺 Environmental and Experimental Botany,2019,157,260-268 2
46 MdUGT88F1-Mediated Phloridzin Biosynthesis Regulates Apple Development and Valsa Canker Resistance 周坤(学生) 马锋旺 Plant Physiology 2019,180(4): 2290-2305 2
47 Overexpression of MdEPF2 improves water use efficiency and reduces oxidative stress in tomato 蒋琦(学生) 毛柯、马锋旺 Environmental and Experimental Botany 2019,162: 321-332 2
48 Overexpression of the RNA binding protein MhYTP1 in transgenic apple enhances drought toleranceand WUE by improving ABA level under drought condition 郭甜丽(学生) 刘长海、马锋旺 Plant Science 2019,280 : 397-407 2
49 Genome-wide analysis of glyoxalase-like gene families in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and their expression profiling in response to downy mildew infection 李铁梅(学生) 徐炎 BMC Genomics (2019) 20:362 2
50 The nuclear-localized RxLR effector PvAvh74 from Plasmopara viticola induces cell death and immunity responses in Nicotiana benthamiana. 尹晓(学生) 徐炎 FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY ,(2019)10:1531 2
51 An enhanced sensitivity and cleanup strategy for the nontargeted screening
and targeted determination of pesticides in tea using modified dispersive
solid-phase extraction and cold-induced acetonitrile aqueous two-phase
systems coupled with liquid chromatography-high resolution mass
Feiquan Wang(学生) 肖斌 Food Chemistry ,275 (2019) 530–538 2
52 Higher endogenous bioactive gibberellins and α-amylase activity confer greater tolerance of rice seed germination to saline-alkaline stress 李倩 张文浩(外) Environmental and Experimental Botany (2019) 162:357–363 2
53 Transcriptome Analysis of Apple Leaves in Response to PowderyMildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) Infection Xiaomin Tian(学生) 王西平 , 高华 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019,20(9):2326-2344 2
54 CaDHN5, a Dehydrin gene from pepper, plays an important role in salt and osmotic stress responses 骆丹(学生) 陈儒钢 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 1989, doi:10.3390/ijms20081989 2
55 Comparative Analysis of Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase in Cucurbitaceae and Expression Studies in Watermelon 魏春华 ,张瑞敏 张显 International journal of molecular sciences, 2019, 20(10): 2527. 2
56 Heat Shock Proteins: Dynamic Biomoleculesto Counter Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses Haq Saeed ul(学生) 巩振辉 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(21), 5321 2
57 A Novel Transcription Factor CaSBP12 Gene Negatively Regulates the Defense Response against Phytophthora capsici in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Zhang Huai-Xia(学生) 巩振辉 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20, 48 2
58 Changes in the soil microbiome in eggplant monoculture revealed by high-throughput illumina
miSeq sequencing as influenced by raw garlic
stalk amendment
Muhammad Imran Ghani(学生) 程智慧 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(9), 2125 2
59 Co-amended synergistic interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the organic substrate-induced cucumber yield and fruit quality associated with the regulation of the AM-fungal community structure under anthropogenic cultivated soil Ahmad Ali(学生) 程智慧 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(7), 1539; doi:10.3390 2
60 Hiseq base molecular characterization of soil microbial community, diversity structure, and predictive functional profiling in continuouscucumber planted soil affected by diverse cropping systems in an intensive greenhouse region of northern China Ahmad Ali(学生) 程智慧 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 2619 2
61 Genomic organization of the B3-domain transcription factor family in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) and expression during seed development in seedless and seeded cultivars. Bilal Ahmad(学生) 王西平 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(18): 4553 2
62 Biosynthetic Gene Pyramiding Leads to Ascorbate Accumulation with Enhanced Oxidative Stress
Tolerance in Tomato
李小靖 张余洋(外) International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2019,20(7),1158. 2
63 Comparative RNA-sequencing-based transcriptome profiling of buds from profusely flowering ‘Qinguan’ and weakly flowering ‘Nagafu No. 2’ apple varieties reveals novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms underlying floral induction 陈锡龙(学生) 邢利博 BMC Plant Biology, 2018,18:370. 2 2018
64 The WUSCHEL-related homeobox1 gene of cucumber regulates reproductive organ development 牛欢欢(学生) 李征 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 2018, 69(22): 5373-5387 2 2018
65 Exogenous γ Aminobutyric Acid Treatment That Contributes to
Regulation of Malate Metabolism and Ethylene Synthesis in Apple
Fruit during Storage
韩寿坤(学生) 饶景萍 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2018, 66, 13473−13482 1 2018
66 Mediation of Flower Induction by Gibberellin and its Inhibitor Paclobutrazol: mRNA and miRNA Integration Comprises Complex Regulatory Cross-Talk in Apple Fan sheng(学生) 韩明玉 Plant and Cell Physiology.2018 Nov 1;59(11):2288-2307. 2 2018
67 Current progress and future prospects for the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) genome editing technology in fruit tree breeding. 王现行(学生) 王西平 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2018, 37(4):233-258 2 2018
68 ‘Ruiyang’A Late –ripening Apple . 高华 高华 HORTSCIENCE 2018, 53(11):1703–1705 4 2018
69 CanTF, a Novel Transcription Factor in Pepper, Is Involved in Resistance to Phytophthora capsici as well as Abiotic Stresses He Yu-Mei(学生) 巩振辉 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2018, 36:776–789 4 2018
70 Determination of Predominant Organic Acid Components in Malus Species Correlation with Apple Domestication 马百全 马锋旺 Metabolites,2018,8,74 3 2018
71 Genome-wide identification of SERK genes in apple and analyses of their role in stress responses and growth Zheng liwei(学生) 韩明玉 BMC Genomics.2018 Dec 27,19:962 2 2018
72 Heterologous Expression of the Grapevine JAZ7 Gene in Arabidopsis Confers Enhanced Resistance to Powdery Mildew but Not to Botrytis cinerea Muhammad Hanif(学生) 王西平 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19(12), 3889 3 2018